The Kennett Consolidated School District’s (KCSD) Fiscal Year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. Tax bills are prepared annually on July 1 and mailed to all property owners by the Keystone Collections Group.
The following are tax rates for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year:
Tax | Rate |
Real Estate and Interim Real Estate Tax | 32.7275 Mills |
Earned Income Tax | 1% |
Real Estate Transfer Tax |
0.5% |
Homestead/Farmstead Exclusions
In order to be eligible for a property tax reduction, you must have applied for and been approved by the county assessment office for the homestead or farmstead exclusion by March 1.
If you are a new resident or have not previously applied for the Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion, please contact the Chester County Department of Assessment at 610-344-6105. If your property is approved for the Homestead/Farmstead exclusion, the reduction is shown on your tax bill.
Taxes may be paid in full through August 31 at a 2% discount. However, every effort should be made to pay your taxes by October 31, as those who miss this deadline will be charged a 10% penalty.
KCSD also accepts installment payments:
Installment Payment | Deadline |
One | August 31 |
Two | September 30 |
Three | October 31 |
Payments can be made online or by check payable to:
Please note, all taxes not paid by December 15 are turned over to the Chester County Tax Claim Bureau.
Interim Taxes
Interim taxes are levied under ACT 544 of 1953 (Section 677.1) on the increase in assessed valuations of local property as a result of construction or improvements to that property. The interim assessment is calculated by taking the difference between the previous assessment and the new assessment. The Chester County Assessment Office provides the District with the assessed value of the new construction or improvement, and the District Tax Office calculates the amount of the tax due using the following formula:
Assessment x Millage Rate x Time Period of Interim
The time period on which the interim billing is based begins when the improvements are completed or, in the case of new construction, the date of occupancy and is calculated based on the District’s fiscal year which begins July 1 and ends June 30. The payment due date for your interim tax will vary from your current real estate tax depending on when the change is processed by the County.
- For Real Estate Tax questions, contact Keystone Collections Group toll-free at 1-866-539-1100.
- For Assessment questions, contact Chester County Department of Assessment at 610-344-6105.
- For Delinquent Tax questions, contact Chester County Tax Claim Bureau at 610-344-6360.
Tax Codes
- Local School Tax Code: 15400
- Chester County Code: 80