Please find on this page the 2024-2025 District Student and Family Handbook. You may review this handbook embedded on this web page below then acknowledge that you have reviewed it on the Skyward Family Access Portal. If you choose not to acknowledge receipt on the portal, please print out the Acknowledgement Form in the linked Handbooks below, sign it, and return with ONE of your children to their school.
Please review handbooks that your child's school may also share outlining important details for the school year.
Official District Family and Student Handbook
- Message from the Superintendent
- Board and District Office Administration
- Non-Discrimination Policy
- Important Information About This Content
- Privacy
- Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
- Vision, Mission, Core Values
- Instructional Calendar
- Important Dates
- Communications
- Daily School Schedules
- Food Services
- Attendance
- Student Services
- Health Services
- Teaching and Learning: Communicating Progress
- Technology
- Student Information
- Transportation Services
- Field Trips
- Visitors
- Code of Conduct
Message from the Superintendent
Dear Student:
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! As the new Superintendent of the Kennett Consolidated School District, I am very excited to meet you and to kick off this year with you.
This year is yours to learn, explore, and grow. I encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone–audition for a play, join a team, write a new story, create art, or maybe even develop an app. Your teachers, counselors, and administrators are here to support you every step of the way.
Our goal is for every student to succeed no matter the challenges you may face. Take a moment to ask yourself, “What does success mean to me?” Once you have your answer, pursue it with determination and that success will be yours.
An unknown poet once said, “The start of something new brings the hope of something great.” As the new year begins, my hope for you is that you find your passion that challenges and fulfills you and that helps shape you into the student and person that you want to be.
Let’s make it a great year!
Kimberly Rizzo Saunders
Superintendent of Schools
Board and District Office Administration
- Mr. David Kronenberg, President
- Dr. Vicki Gehrt, Vice President
- Mr. Michael H. Finnegan, Treasurer
- Mr. Mark Bowden
- Ms. Lenda Carrillo
- Mr. Ethan Cramer
- Ms. Lynn Golden-Mirarchi
- Dr. Jeffrey McVey
- Ms. LaToya M. Myers
- Dr. Kimberly Rizzo Saunders, Superintendent
- Dr. Michael Barber, Assistant Superintendent
- Mr. Mark T. Tracy, Chief Financial Officer
- Dr. Kristy Brady, Director of Business Services
- Mr. Dave Brice, Director of Facilities
- Mr. Viet Hoang, Director of Food Services
- Mrs. Christine Marsala, Director of Human Resources
- Ms. Casandra Jones, Director of Pupil Services and Supports
- Dr. Heather Collins, Director of Teaching & Learning
- Mr. Dan Maguire, Director of Technology
- Mrs. Lisa Palmarini, Director of Communications
Non-Discrimination Policy
The Kennett Consolidated School District (KCSD) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, ancestry or disability, or any other legally protected classification, in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Any person having inquiries concerning the District’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act may contact the Title IX Coordinator at 610-444-6600.
Important Information About This Content
In order to alleviate the number of forms parents/guardians are asked to sign at the beginning of the year, we offer links to the many required forms and acknowledgements at the Skyward Family Access Portal. At the Family Portal you can find and update:
- Parent Contact Information
- Emergency Contact Form
- Medical Update Form
You also may review and acknowledge the following:
- This Handbook
- Acceptable Use Policy (technology)
- Student Device Agreement Form
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
- Code of Conduct (After Board Approval in September)
Support for utilizing the Skyward Family Portal can be found at the Technology section of this website. Information and forms should be updated for each child in your family.
A Note About Forms: Health and Medical
Information about Health can be found at the Health Services Section of this website.
It is important that the student emergency form be completely filled out online or via paper immediately. Should your child become ill or sustain an injury, this information is necessary to reach parents/guardians. Emergency forms can be filled out at the Skyward Family Access Portal.
- Students are required to have dental evaluations upon school entrance and in 3rd and 7th grade. If you DO NOT want your child evaluated by the dental hygienist at school at no cost to you, please send a letter to your school nurse. You will then be responsible for having your private dentist complete these evaluations.
- Students are required to have scoliosis evaluations in 6th and 7th grade. If you DO NOT want your child evaluated for scoliosis at school, please send a letter to your school nurse. You will then be responsible for having your private physician complete these evaluations.
If you WOULD like prior notification of any pesticide application in your child’s school, please make the request in writing to your building principal.
A Note About Technology
Technology is used in KCSD to enhance learning.
As the parent/guardian of a student of KCSD, you agree to have received, read and understood the Acceptable Use of the Communications and Information Systems Policy (No. 815 newly revised and found at this website in the Technology section, in BoardDocs, and linked from your child’s Skyward Family Access Portal.) In addition, you agree to have reviewed this Policy with your child and answered questions they asked.
- Student Acceptable Use Guidelines
- Educational web-based tools and applications: COPPA Compliance
- Kennett Chromebook Protection Plan
- Technology Questions and Answers
If you or your child have further questions, please review the Technology Q and A or contact your child’s principal. You agree to have your child abide by the requirements of the Policy, and your child understands that if they violate the Policy, they are subject to KCSD’s discipline and could be subject to local, state, and federal legal recourse. If you DO NOT want your child to use Communications and Information Systems, please put your request in writing to your building principal.
We respect your child’s privacy.
- Students are sometimes photographed or videotaped during activities for inclusion in our public relations materials. This may include images on our websites, social media, and in print and/or video productions. If you DO NOT want your child photographed or videotaped, please put your request in writing to your building principal.
- To accommodate special needs as required by state and federal law, certain students in your child’s classroom might have the right to audio/video record, or to receive teacher-made audio and video recordings of discussions that occur during instructional activities. These recordings could include the voice or likeness of your child. The child making the recording or for whom the recording is made will use the recording solely to support his or her ability to access and retain educational information. The recording will be destroyed when it is no longer necessary for that purpose. Recordings shall not be maintained by or otherwise considered educational records of KCSD for any purpose.
- This school year, there may be opportunities for your child to take anonymous state and/or local surveys. If you DO NOT wish your child to participate, please send a letter to your school principal.
- Parents/guardians of juniors or seniors who DO NOT want student information disclosed to military recruiters must put their request in writing to have their child excluded and send the request to the Kennett High School (KHS) principal.
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires school districts to inspect their buildings for asbestos-containing building materials and develop, maintain, and update an asbestos management plan. KCSD’s management plan and planned or in progress inspections, re-inspections, response actions, and post-response actions, including periodic re-inspection and surveillance activities are available for review.
Vision, Mission, Core Values
The Kennett Consolidated School District (KCSD) is an inclusive community that nurtures, prepares and empowers ALL, showing everyone they matter in their journey to succeed in the world.
To inspire innovative thinkers by fostering inclusive, supportive relationships, and developing resiliency through rigorous, relevant, educational experiences.
Core Values
- Integrity
- Resilience
- Student-Centered
- Accountability
- Collaboration
Instructional Calendar
Important Dates
As we continue to optimize our websites, we will be upgrading our district and school calendars. Thank you for your patience as we create calendars on all of our websites.
Elementary Trimesters
- Trimester 1 end date: November 14, 2024
- Trimester 2 end date: March 28, 2025
- Trimester 3 end date: June 11, 2025
Secondary Marking Periods
- Marking Period 1 end date: October 30, 2024
- Marking Period 2 end date: January 22, 2025
- Marking Period 3 end date: March 28, 2025
- Marking Period 4 end date: June 11, 2025
Report Cards
You can track your child’s progress by reviewing report cards at the end of each trimester or marking period. You can find report cards at the Skyward Family Access Portal.
Website Updates
In an effort to deliver the most up-to-date information and content, the KCSD is currently optimizing all of its website platforms. A finalized web resource will be launched in November of 2024. Thank you for your patience as we continue to streamline information for our KCSD families.
District Notification System
KCSD maintains a comprehensive communication system to inform and inspire all members of its community. Families are invited to visit our school and District websites for the most up-to-date information on policies, procedures, news, and calendars. In addition, KCSD utilizes School Messenger to communicate by email, text message and phone call. To update personal contact information, families should log into the Skyward Family Access Portal.
Text Messaging
You can opt in to text messaging from your district and your school (you will not receive text messages until you opt in). Using the same mobile device number that you recorded in the Skyward Family Access Portal, text “Y” to 67587. You only have to opt in once to receive messages during all the years your child attends KCSD schools. To opt out of text messaging, simply text “STOP” to the same code.
Please Note: Your teacher may not be checking TalkingPoints until the end of the school day. If your child will be late or needs to be dismissed early, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SCHOOL ATTENDANCE SECRETARY. Go to the Attendance section of the kcsd.org website for more information on reporting late arrival or early dismissal!
TalkingPoints is a two-way, multilingual family engagement messaging platform that allows your child's teachers to communicate directly with you. TalkingPoints translates communication in 100+ languages using a combination of AI and human translation.
Teachers message families in English via mobile app or web browser and messages are automatically translated to the language the parent chooses. Teachers can communicate one-on-one or send whole-class announcements.
Families receive and send messages in their home language via SMS text message or the optional, free TalkingPoints for Parents Mobile App available at the App Store or at Google Play. Families can communicate in their home language and it is received by the teacher in English.
In order for families to successfully use TalkingPoints, they must have a primary cell phone number listed in the Skyward Family Access Portal. You must have a primary cell number in TalkingPoints to access the platform.
For more information about TalkingPoints, including links to getting started guides in English and Spanish, go to the Communications section of the kcsd.org website.
Calendar of Events
Real-time information on KCSD events can be found on the KCSD website, as well as school websites. Our websites will be optimized by November 2024.
School Closing Information
When faced with threatening weather or other dangers to the safety of students and staff, KCSD Administration may choose to announce an early dismissal, delayed opening or district closure. Information will be shared via the website, social media (facebook), email, text message and phone call. To ensure you receive these communications, please make sure your contact information is updated at the Skyward Family Access Portal and that you have opted into text messaging.
Out-of-district programs follow their own schedules. Families must check with their child’s program to determine the impact of early dismissals, delayed openings and district closures.
Social Media
The KCSD is pleased to utilize social media to inform, engage, and inspire our community. This year, a social media policy and guidelines will be drafted and shared with KCSD families and community members on the KCSD website and at our social media platforms. The KCSD currently utilizes Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to celebrate our school District. While reminders of important information may be posted to social media, we recommend you check your email, voicemail, text messages, and websites for important information related to your child’s school and District.
Daily School Schedules
Students are not to arrive on school property more than 15 minutes before school starts unless they are engaged in a scheduled school activity or are enrolled in a before-school program. There is no adult supervision before school starting time.
- High School: 7:40 a.m. – 2:35 p.m.
- Middle School: 7:40 am – 2:35 p.m.
- Elementary Schools: 8:35 am – 3:30 p.m.
- Kindergarten Center: 9:05 am – 3:05 p.m.
When a delayed school opening is declared, bus pickup and starting times will start two hours later:
- High School: 9:40 a.m. – 2:35 p.m.
- Middle School: 9:40 a.m. – 2:35 p.m.
- Elementary Schools: 10:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
- Kindergarten Center: 11:05 a.m. – 3:05 p.m.
Food Services
National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs
KCSD participates in the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs and offers healthy meals every school day. Breakfast is available at no charge to students.
If you do not want your student to participate in the National School Lunch Program at their school, please send a written letter with a signature to:
Carolyn Isakoff
KCSD Food Service Coordinator
409 Center Street
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Meal costs for the 2024 - 2025 school year
- Elementary School: $3.00
- High School and Middle School: $3.25
- Adult lunch for faculty and staff: $5.00
- Adult breakfast for faculty and staff: $3.00
Menus can be viewed on the Kennett Nutrislice website, on the Nutrislice App, and are posted in the cafeteria.
Snack items and beverages are offered in single serving sizes and comply with the KCSD Wellness Policy (No. 246). Prices for all a-la-carte items are posted in the cafeteria.
During the 2024-2025 School Year, all schools participating in the School Breakfast Program (SBP) are to provide free breakfasts for all enrolled students. Additionally, students identified as eligible for reduced-price lunches through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) will not be charged for their meals.
Your child(ren) may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals (see Meal Benefit Program).
The cafeteria uses a computerized Point of Sale system, SchoolCafé, which allows the school to meet certain federal guidelines and eliminates the need for students to pay cash on a daily basis. Parents/guardians prepay online at the point of sale system. Students use their KCSD-assigned Student ID number to access their cafeteria account. Meals are recorded and purchases are automatically deducted from their account. An account history (showing prepayments as well as items consumed) is available upon request or at SchoolCafé.
Meal Benefit Program
KCSD offers a Meal Benefit Program. If you now receive Food Stamps or TANF (formerly AFDC) Cash Assistance, Migrant or Homeless for your child(ren), your child(ren) is(are) eligible to receive free meals under this program. Meals are also offered at a reduced price ($.40 per meal) for those who qualify.
To receive free or reduced price meals for your child(ren) you must complete an application each year and either submit it online or return it to the school office. Families who have received a letter of eligibility from KCSD prior to the start of school do not have to complete the form.
Applications are distributed to all students before the first week of school but are also available in the school office and on this website in the Food Services section. An application may be completed at any time during the school year if a family financial need arises.
The point of sale System, SchoolCafé, is designed so that the identities of students participating in the Meal Benefit Program are kept confidential. Parents/guardians may prepay into the student meal account for a la carte purchases even if the student qualifies for free or reduced meals.
Please contact the Department of Food Services administrative assistant with any questions at 610-444-7725.
Meal Charge Procedure
The following procedures are established to address situations in which a student does not have sufficient funds in their pre-paid account for breakfast and/or lunch.
The term “charge” is defined as: “the cost of the meal will be charged to the student’s account and will result in a negative balance.”
The goal of this procedure is to ensure that no student is denied a meal and that prescribed steps are followed to collect funds owed to the cafeteria program. This procedure is consistent with the latest guidance provided by the USDA and the Division of Food & Nutrition of the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Students with a negative balance will be permitted to charge meals without meal substitution.
- Charging of a-la-carte items will not be permitted for any student who has a negative account balance.
- Only students who have been approved under the eligibility guidelines of the National School Lunch Program are entitled to a free meal. All non-eligible students will be charged for their meal.
- All student accounts with a negative balance will be notified weekly by email and text. The message will be sent to the parent(s)/guardian(s) as identified in the student information system.
- The building administration will contact the parent(s)/guardian(s) if a student’s account balance exceeds a negative balance greater than $25.
- All student accounts with a negative balance of $50 will warrant a meeting with the building principal and social worker.
- All student accounts with a negative balance of $100 will be turned over to a third-party collection agency.
Nutritional Standards, Snacks, and Wellness Policy
KCSD has adopted the Pennsylvania Department of Education Nutrition Standards. Smart Snacks in School and the KCSD Wellness Policy place the following limitations on what can be offered to students during the school day.
The following standards must be abided by when food items are available for sale on school grounds:
Food items should be packaged in single serving sizes with less than 200 calories per item. Snacks must contain less than 35% calories from fat, less than 35% of weight from total sugars and less than 200 mg of sodium.
- Foods must be whole-grain rich or have a nutrient dense food as the first ingredient. Foods should not contain added sugar as the first ingredient.
- No homemade foods should be sold for fundraisers to minimize the risk of exposure to food allergens or food-borne illnesses.
- Fundraising standards state that food items will be available no earlier than thirty minutes after the last meal period of the day. Fundraising events cannot sell food during the lunch period.
Classroom Parties, Holiday Celebrations & Birthday Celebrations
- No homemade foods should be brought in for classroom celebrations.
- A group birthday celebration once a month may be considered. Non-food tokens may be provided to the celebrants.
Action for Healthy Kids has excellent resources on non-food fundraisers that may be an alternative to bake sales for raising funds.
Attendance in school is required by law and is essential for student success. The Board requires that students attend school every day it is in session, except for valid reasons such as illness, family emergencies, or medical appointments. Regular attendance positively impacts student achievement—academically, socially, and emotionally.
When a student is absent, schools provide prompt notice to parents/guardians via email, text message, and phone call. Parents must provide written excuses for absences within three days. The first ten absences can be verified with a parent note. However, if a student exceeds ten absences, even if some or all of those absences are excused by a medical note, any additional absences will require documentation from a medical professional and cannot be excused by a parent note.
Absence notes and email addresses for attendance clerks can be found at the Attendance section of this website.
Please refer to the School Board Policy on Attendance (No. 204) in BoardDocs for more information.
Excused/Lawful Absences
A student may be excused from school for the following reasons*:
- Illness: Including being dismissed by school staff for health reasons.
- Professional Health Care: Visits to licensed practitioners for therapy or medical services.
- Family Emergency: Urgent family situations.
- Recovery from Accident: Healing from injuries sustained in an accident.
- Required Court Attendance: Necessary legal obligations.
- Death in the Family: Attending family matters following a death.
- Participation in Specific Events: Projects sponsored by 4-H or FFA groups (with prior written request).
- Musical performances for national veterans' organizations (with a signed excuse).
- Religious Holidays: Observing holidays recognized by a bona fide religious group (with prior written request).
- Educational Tours or Trips: Non-school-sponsored tours or college visits (with prior documentation and approval).
- Other Urgent Reasons: Includes circumstances related to homelessness and foster care.
*Note: The District may place limits on the number and duration of some absences.
Unexcused Absences
Absences without a valid written excuse are considered unexcused. Examples include babysitting, waking up late, or vacations. Absences are deemed unexcused until a valid written excuse is provided within three days.
If a student accumulates three or more unexcused absences, the school will notify the family and may offer a School Attendance Improvement Conference to address and improve the student's attendance. Continued issues may lead to involvement of community programs or legal action. Truancy-related suspensions or transfers are not permitted.
Virtual/Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs)
A parent note is required when a student does not participate in a virtual/Flexible Instructional Day, as these days are mandatory and fall under the attendance policy. Please ensure that written excuses are submitted to account for any missed participation within three days.
Student Services
School Counseling Services
School counselors are certified and hold at least a master’s degree. They provide a myriad of services to students, and are often the best initial contact to resolve issues and concerns.
Social Work Services
School social workers provide services to students, families, staff and the community to help students attain maximum success in the educational setting. The primary role of the social worker is to provide case management services to students and their families. This includes referring students and their families to community agencies for additional resources, providing supportive counseling, making home visits and functioning as the liaison between school, home and community resources.
Interpreter Services
KCSD works with an outside contractor to provide interpreter services for our staff and Spanish-speaking parents/guardians to communicate effectively about students. These services are arranged in advance by building principals or our Department of Pupil Services administrative assistant. Requests for interpreter services for meetings should be made to your child’s teacher or guidance counselor.
Child Abuse
All KCSD employees are mandated reporters and must report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect. The Superintendent, Building Administrator, Social Worker, Nurse and School Counselor will be apprised of any suspected abuse or neglect and a KCSD representative will file a report with ChildLine. Any employee, parents/guardians or student who suspects child abuse may contact ChildLine directly at 1-800-932-0313.
Homeless Assistance Act
On July 22, 1987, the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act became public law. This was the first comprehensive federal law that addressed homelessness in America. It was included in the 2001 No Child Left Behind Act as the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110). Subtitle B addresses education for homeless children and youths (Sec. 721-726).
Provisions of the Act
Homeless children have the right to attend either their original school or the school in the area in which they currently reside for the duration of their homelessness, or until the end of the school year if the family finds permanent housing.
Schools are to immediately enroll homeless children and unaccompanied youth, even if they are unable to produce records normally required for enrollment, such as previous academic records, medical records, proof of residency, and any other required documentation.
Request for Special Education Evaluation
A school professional may recommend that a child be evaluated to determine if the student has a disability. Parents/guardians may also contact the child’s teacher or another school administrator to request an evaluation. This request may be verbal, but it’s best to put it in writing. Before a Permission to Evaluate (PTE) or a Notice of Recommended Educational Placement (NOREP) is issued, the school team, including the parent, will meet to review all available information. Within 10 days of the written or verbal request, the school will either issue a Permission to Evaluate Consent Form or a NOREP to explain, in writing, why the evaluation request is denied. For questions, please contact the Director of Pupil Services & Supports.
Request for 504 Service Plan
A parent/guardian can request a 504-service plan for their student. While a verbal request is sufficient, a written request is preferred. The parent/guardian should include any relevant medical records and specify the services, accommodations, or modifications they believe the student needs. These requests can be provided to the student’s teacher, counselor, or another school administrator. Just like with a special education evaluation, a team meeting will be held to review all existing information. A Permission to Evaluate (PTE) or a Notice of Recommended Educational Placement (NOREP) will be issued within 10 calendar days. For questions, please contact the Director of Pupil Services & Supports.
Health Services
KCSD is dedicated to the health and well-being of every child. Our nurses promote student health and safety, enhancing their ability to learn. Our goal is that every child enters the classroom in optimal physical and emotional health, prepared to achieve their personal best. Note that everything you need to know about Health Services can be found here or at our Health Services Section on this website.
Please call your school nurse (contact information in the Health Services Section) regarding any injuries, health problems, new medical diagnoses, prescription medications, and questions or concerns that may affect your child at school.
Contact, Medical, and Emergency Forms
All students MUST have their forms completed in the Skyward Family Access Portal annually. Please fill out the following:
- Contact Information: phone, email, text
- Medical Information: personal medical details, information to aid in treating injury or illness, and consent for medications such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, and Tums
- Emergency Information: contact information for a reliable friend, neighbor or relative who will be available in the event of an emergency (a student can only be released to people listed on the emergency section/form)
This information must be completed annually at the beginning of the school year for each child in a family. Detailed instructions and information for completing these important forms in the Skyward Family Access Portal can be found at the Technology section of the website under Get Connected.
Guidelines for Sick Children
Although it’s important for all students to attend school on a regular basis, sick children do not perform well and they can spread illness to others. To promote a healthy school environment, here are some guidelines for keeping your child home from school:
- Fever > 100 degrees
- Confirmed Influenza or COVID
- Flu-like symptoms: fever, headache, extreme fatigue, muscle aches
- Vomiting or Diarrhea
- Strep throat, bronchitis, or other infection that requires treatment with antibiotics
- Red eye(s) with drainage (called Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye)
- Productive cough, barking cough, or drainage from the nose that is not clear
- Untreated Head Lice - Control of head lice depends on prompt diagnosis and effective treatment. Periodically check your child’s hair and notify the school nurse if you suspect nits or lice.
Criteria to Return to School
- No fever for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol)
- No vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours
- A full 24 hours of antibiotic treatment for infections that require antibiotics and 3 doses of antibiotic eye drops for cases of conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- For lice, treatment at home with lice-killing shampoo and check in with the nurse
COVID Testing and Guidelines
COVID testing is no longer available in schools. Students must meet guidelines under “Criteria to Return to School” for returning to school following symptoms of illness. More information about COVID can be found at the COVID-19 section of the CDC website. You can also refer to the Chester County Health Department.
Concussions and Injuries
When your child returns to school after a concussion or injury, be sure to provide the nurse with medical documentation about the diagnosis, treatment, academic accommodations, and physical limitations. A doctor’s note is required for students to return to gym after sustaining a concussion or serious injury.
Dress for Recess & Extra Clothing
Children participate in outdoor recess and gym classes, so they should dress appropriately for current weather conditions. Children who may need extra underwear or clothing can bring them in their book bag or store extra supplies in the nurse’s office.
Medications should be given at home whenever possible, either before or after school hours. In compliance with the Pennsylvania Department of Health and KCSD, the following is required for nurses to administer all prescription and over-the-counter medication in school:
- Signed Physician Order for medication administration
- KCSD Request for Medication Administration Form, completed and signed by parent
- IF physician signs this form, a separate order is not needed
- Medication provided in a labeled pharmacy bottle (pharmacy will provide a spare bottle for school use if you ask), or in original packaging if over the counter medication
Medications must be locked in the nurse’s office. Federally controlled medication (such as ADHD prescriptions) and narcotics must be transported by a parent or responsible adult and delivered directly to the nurse. Students are not permitted to carry any medication in school, including acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil). The ONLY exceptions are Emergency Medications (insulin, asthma inhalers, and epinephrine autoinjectors)
For further information, refer to School Board Policies on the Use of Medication and Possession of Asthma Inhalers/Epinephrine Auto Injectors (No. 210 and No. 210.1) regarding the administration of medication in school.
School Vaccination Requirements
For Attendance in ALL Grades Children need the following:
- 4 doses of DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) with 1 dose on/after age 4
- 4 doses of Polio (4th dose after age 4 and at least 6 months after previous dose)
- 2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
- 3 doses of Hepatitis B
- 2 doses of Varicella (chickenpox) or evidence of immunity (history of disease)
In Addition Students Require the following to enter 7th Grade:
- 1 dose of Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Acellular Pertussis)
- 1 dose of MCV (Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine)
In Addition Students Require the following to enter 12th Grade:
- 2nd dose of MCV (Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine)
- If first dose of MCV was given on or after age 16, that will count as the 12th grade dose
- Immunizations are required on the first day of school, unless the child has a Medical or Religious/Philosophical Exemption, or they risk exclusion.
Call the school nurse for questions about vaccines and compliance.
Physical Examinations
Pennsylvania requires physical examinations, dental evaluations and health screenings for all students as outlined in School Board Policy on Health Examinations and Screenings (No. 209).
A medical examination is required for all children entering school for the first time. It is preferable to have your own physician examine your child, since he/she can provide treatment, immunizations, and follow-up as needed. Return the Private Physical Form or computerized print-out from the doctor to the school nurse. If your child does not have a physical examination performed by your family doctor, physical examinations by a nurse practitioner will be offered at school. Written parent consent is required.
Private Physical Form English
Private Physical Form Spanish
Dental Exams
Students are required to have dental evaluations upon school entrance and 3rd grade. If you DO NOT want your child evaluated by the dental hygienist at school at no cost to you, please send a letter to your school nurse. You will then be responsible for having your private dentist complete these evaluations. Return the Private Dental Form to the school nurse.
Health Screenings
Pennsylvania requires specific health screenings as part of the mandated Public School Code. Nurses must provide parents/guardians with printed results of these screenings, as well as referrals for further evaluation by a medical professional as indicated. KCSD nurses provide a summary of your child’s health screenings on the District Health Screenings Report that is mailed home.
- Growth Screening (height, weight, BMI) every year grades K – 12
- Vision Screening every year grades K – 12
- Hearing Screening, grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7 & 11
Physicals for PIAA Compliance
Please go to the Athletics section of the Kennett High School Website for information about Physicals for athletes. There are separate forms and data that must be collected for athletic physicals.
Individualized Health Plan (IHP)
An Individualized Health Plan (IHP) is a plan of care written by the Certified School Nurse for students with chronic health conditions and students whose physical and mental healthcare needs require more complex nursing services. The IHP outlines nursing interventions and safety measures for students with diabetes, seizure disorders, cardiac conditions, severe allergies, and other health problems. A copy of the IHP is given to the child’s teachers, counselor, principal, bus driver, and cafeteria staff (for food allergies). The IHP is revised each year and follows students through graduation, unless their medical condition resolves.
Children’s Health Insurance
- Medical Assistance (MA) – Many children with disabilities are eligible to participate in ACCESS, Pennsylvania’s name for the federal medical assistance (MA) program. ACCESS can provide free or reduced medical benefits for children with disabilities regardless of their parent/guardian’s income. A child may qualify for MA even if they have other health insurance as long as the child meets certain physical and/or mental health disability criteria.
- CHIP Insurance – Free and low-cost health insurance is available for children, newborns to age 19, through CHIP, PA’s Children’s Health Insurance Program. For local assistance, please call the Chester County Assistance Office at 610-466-1000. To see if you might be eligible for CHIP, contact 1-800-986-KIDS or visit the Pennsylvania CHIP website.
Teaching and Learning: Communicating Progress
Both report cards and parent/teacher conferences are used to communicate each child’s progress. Report cards are issued at the conclusion of each trimester.
- All questions concerning the report card should first be addressed to your child’s teacher. The special area staff and the principal are also available for consultation.
- Conferences for all students are held in the fall and spring. If you would like to see a teacher or the principal to discuss your child’s progress at any other time in the year, please call the school for an appointment. Due to teaching schedules or previous appointments, it is often not possible for teachers or the principal to see a parent who arrives unexpectedly.
- Statewide PSSA English,Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics tests are administered in the spring of 3rd , 4th and 5th grades. Statewide PSSA science tests are administered in the spring of 5th grade. The results of all PSSA testing are sent home in the summer or fall following the testing.
Both report cards and parent/teacher conferences are used to communicate each child’s progress. Report cards are issued at the conclusion of each marking period.
- All questions concerning the report card should first be addressed to your child’s teacher. The special area staff and the principal are also available for consultation.
- Conferences for all students are held in the fall and spring. If you would like to see a teacher or the principal to discuss your child’s progress at any other time in the year, please call the school for an appointment. Due to teaching schedules or previous appointments, it is often not possible for teachers or the principal to see a parent who arrives unexpectedly.
- Statewide Keystone assessments are given in the spring in the areas of algebra I, Literature, and Biology If your child is completing one of these courses they will take the Keystone. All students must take Keystones by the end of their 11th grade year.
PSSA and Keystone dates
PSSA- Grades 3-8
- April 28-30, 2025- PSSA ELA
- May 1-2, 2025- PSSA Math
- May 5-9, 2025- PSSA Science and make-ups for PSSA ELA and Math
Keystone Assessment Dates
May 12-23, 2025- Algebra I, Literature, and Biology
All the information you need related to technology can be found at the Technology section of the website under Departments.
The KCSD Department of Technology supports district-issued devices for every K-12 student. Students are expected to have their Chromebook with them in school and at home, charging fully every night.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide students with a loaner should they forget theirs at home. Students who repeatedly fail to bring their District device to school could have access to wifi restricted on their personal device.
Those experiencing issues with their District-issued device are asked to alert their teacher(s).
Students are also permitted to use their personal device in school for academic purposes as long as it is an approved device.
- Chromebooks that have not exceeded the AUE
- Windows 8.1 or newer laptops
- Apple laptops and
- iPads
Accessible Use Policy (AUP)
The AUP can be found at the Technology section at kcsd.org under Departments in Board Documents, Code 815.
At School
Students should follow these steps to join KCSD WiFi on any of our campuses:
- Select the wireless network icon in your taskbar
- Choose “KCSD Wifi” from the list of available options
- Log in using your KCSD username and password
- Please note: it is okay to accept the certificate, if this option appears
- Guests in need of WiFi should request a temporary username and password from their host.
At Home
For members of our community in need of Internet at home, the KCSD Technology Department recommends use of the Comcast Internet Essentials Program. If approved, KCSD customers may receive six months of fast, reliable speeds up to 50 Mbps for free with a promo code and for $9.95 per month plus tax after. To apply, visit the Comcast website.
Changing Default Language in Chrome Web Browser
Follow these instructions:
- Open Chrome web browser
- Click on 3 dots in top right corner
- Click Settings
- Click Languages (If you see your preferred language listed, click on 3 dots next to it; if not, select Add languages and select from the list
- Next to your preferred language, check the box next to Display Google Chrome in this language
- Click Relaunch: Chrome Web browser will reopen in the language you selected
Kennett Chromebook Protection Plan (KCPP)
The optional Kennett Chromebook Protection Plan (KCPP) is a $50 per student annual fee that provides protection for a student's District-provided Chromebook for a full year.
The KCPP provides 100% coverage for repairs or replacement of the District-provided Chromebook that would otherwise be the responsibility of the student and/or parent/legal guardian.
The KCPP does not cover negligent or intentional damage to the device, a device that was lost, or stolen devices without a police report, nor does the plan cover lost or damaged power cords.
If you would like to purchase KCPP, you can do so via check or via credit card. Please fill out the KCPP Commitment Form to begin the process and then follow guidance on payment.
Credit card payment can be accepted at our Hometown Ticketing App.
Skyward Information Management (Skyward Family Access Portal)
Kennett Consolidated School District utilizes Qmlativ/Skyward to house and manage our student and family data.
Login to Skyward to view your child’s grades, update and view important documents (like medical information), and update contact information. It is important that information is updated for each of your children in Skyward. You can access the portal from our website in the technology section as well as find information about navigating and updating certain sections in Skyward including contact information, medical information, and emergency contact information. You can also find forms like the AUP, COPPA, Handbook, and Student Code of Conduct (in September).
The high school and middle school utilize the Schoology platform to facilitate learning. Assignments, grades, and communication with students is managed in Schoology for grades 6 - 12. View your child’s classes, upcoming assignments, and announcements. You can even set up notifications.
Schoology may be utilized in some elementary schools for communication or homework assignments in some grades.
For more in-depth guidance on specific Schoology features, explore the details at the Technology section at kcsd.org under the Department tab or check out the Help Center at support.schoology.com.
Student Information
Dress and Grooming
Please refer to the School Board Policy on Dress and Grooming (No. 221).
Student Records
Student records are those educational records that are directly related to a student and are maintained by KCSD. Each record contains grades, academic work completed, discipline and attendance information.
If a child transfers to another school system, the educational and health records
will be forwarded upon receipt of written notification from that school.
Please refer to the School Board Policy on Education Records (No. 216) for more information.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) outlines for parents/guardians and students over eighteen years of age (eligible students) certain rights regarding student’s educational records:
- Parents/guardians have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records within forty-five (45) calendar days after KCSD receives a request for access.
- Parents/guardians or eligible students may submit a written request that identifies the records they wish to inspect to the school principal or other appropriate school official. The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent/guardian or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
- Parents/guardians have the right to request an amendment to the student’s education records that the parent/guardian or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
- Parents/guardians or eligible students may request KCSD to amend a record they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write to the school principal, clearly identifying the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
If KCSD does not amend the record as requested by the parent/guardian or eligible student, the District will notify the parent/guardian or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding their request for the amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent/guardian or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
Unlawful Harassment
The Board strives to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students in the schools. Therefore, it shall be the policy of KCSD to maintain an educational environment in which harassment in any form is not tolerated.
Please refer to the School Board Policy on Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students (No. 103) for more information.
Co-Curricular Responsibilities
KCSD recognizes the importance of well-rounded individuals. Participation in co-curricular activities is encouraged for all students who meet eligibility requirements.
Athletic eligibility follows PIAA guidelines. Eligibility for other co-curricular activities is based on regular attendance and academic proficiency. Excessive disciplinary infractions or poor attendance could result in a student being removed from these activities. All students must be in school the day of the activity at the required time in order to participate. Any student reporting after the required time must present a doctor’s note upon entering school. The required time is 12 p.m. for the Middle School and 11:15 a.m. for the High School.
Transportation Services
School buses are available to transport each student to and from school. Students are not permitted to change buses for social reasons. It is very important that the drivers are familiar with the students on their particular bus and with the routine stops the children use. For this reason, students are prohibited from riding a bus other than the one assigned unless it is for an emergency.
Permission for emergency assignment may only be arranged via approval by the principal. Parents/guardians are expected to take full responsibility of their children prior to the arrival of the bus at the stop and when the students return to the stop after school.
The following bus safety regulations were approved by the KCSD School Board:
- Students must obey the driver and be courteous to the driver and to fellow students. The driver is in full charge of the bus, and students must sit in their assigned seats.
- Students must be on time. Buses cannot wait for those who are tardy.
- In approaching the bus or a bus stop along the highway, a student should always walk on the left side of the road facing traffic. They should be certain that the road is clear of all traffic or that all traffic has stopped before crossing. In crossing the street or highway at any time, students should first look left, then right, then left again. When walking along the road, walk single file.
- Students should never stand or play on the road while waiting for the bus. Students must not try to get on or off the bus when it is in motion. When on the bus, they must remain seated until the bus has come to a complete stop.
- Before boarding the bus, students must keep a safe distance from it while it is in motion.
- Students should line up in a single line alongside the road before the bus approaches to load.
- Students must enter the bus without crowding or disturbing others and occupy their seats immediately.
- Students are to conduct themselves while on the bus in such a way that it will not distract the driver from his/her job of driving. Students are expected to be courteous travelers and to obey and cooperate with the driver.
- Students may not sit in the driver’s seat.
- Unnecessary loud conversation with the driver is prohibited while the bus is in motion.
- Talking should be at a normal conversational level.
- Students must not extend their head or arms out of the window.
- Students may not eat or drink on the bus.
- Students must not call out to passers-by.
- Students may not leave the bus without the driver’s consent, except on arrival at their regular bus stop or at school.
- Students should help to keep the bus clean, sanitary and orderly. They must not damage or abuse equipment. Any damage to the bus must be reported to the driver. Students may be charged for damage to bus seats.
- Students are not permitted to smoke on the bus.
- Students must not use profanity.
- Students must not throw articles of any kind in, out of or around the bus.
Riding the school bus is a privilege. A student who does not respect the rights of others or endangers their life and the lives of others will be disciplined and may be suspended from riding for major or frequent discipline infractions (those that could result in physical harm to passengers or drivers or destruction of property, i.e. smoking, striking matches, improper opening of doors, throwing objects, fighting, etc.)
Bus riding privileges may be suspended on the first offense; charges for damages will be made and/or legal proceedings may be initiated. For minor disciplinary infractions (those not resulting in physical harm or destruction of property), students will be referred to the principal for appropriate disciplinary action.
If you are having a problem with the bus or need additional information, please contact the director of Transportation at 610-444-6619.
Surveillance on School Buses
The KCSD Board has authorized the use of video/audio cameras on contracted buses and vans. These cameras can record both what is said and what is done on the buses. The video/audio cameras will be used to monitor student behavior, to maintain order on the school buses and to promote and maintain a safe environment.
Students and parents/guardians are hereby notified that the contents of the tapes may be used in a student disciplinary proceeding. The contents of the tapes are confidential student records and will be safeguarded. Tapes will be retained only if necessary for use in a student disciplinary proceeding or other matters as determined necessary by the school administration. Parents and guardians may request to review tapes of their child if the tapes are used in a disciplinary proceeding involving their child.
In addition, for the continued safety and welfare of our students, surveillance cameras are placed throughout each of our schools and on school grounds.
Field Trips
Trips away from KCSD sites during regular school hours are considered part of the regular educational program. Pupils who participate in field trips shall have permission from their parents or guardians prior to the trip. Transportation by private automobile is discouraged. Please refer to School Board Policy on Field Trips (No. 121) for additional information.
Parents and guardians are welcome and encouraged to visit schools. Visitors must provide advance notice and receive approval from the building principal or Director of Pupil Services & Supports. Visits are limited to one class period per month to minimize disruptions. Visitors must register, sign in, wear a visitor’s badge, and follow school health and safety rules. Unauthorized or disruptive behavior can result in limited access to school premises.
For the safety of our students and staff, all Kennett schools use the Raptor Visitor Management System. Parents, guests, and visitors who plan to visit beyond the main office must have a visitor's ID badge.
- A valid state issued ID must be scanned upon your first visit to any of our schools during normal school hours.
- An automatically generated badge will be created for you to wear while visiting the school.
- Future visits will not require you to show your ID again. Simply give your name to get a new badge will be printed for that visit.
KCSD welcomes all families and friends as volunteers in our schools!
Act 15 defines direct volunteer contact as the care, supervision, guidance or control of children and routine interaction with children. Routine interaction is defined as regular and repeated contact that is integral to a person’s employment or volunteer responsibilities.
Volunteers must have clearances in order to be approved to offer their services in the schools. Individuals may obtain these clearances by applying online at the following websites:
- Act 34 PA Criminal Clearance (Valid for 5 years)
- Act 151 PA Child Abuse History
- Act 24 PA Volunteer Affirmation Statement
Applicants who have not resided in Pennsylvania for the last 10 consecutive years must also complete the following clearance:
Once obtained, the clearances must be submitted at least two weeks prior to your first volunteer experience.
Code of Conduct
A separate document for Code of Conduct will be presented to the Board of School Directors in September, 2024 for final approval. Please look for the Code of Conduct on the kcsd.org website and linked in the Skyward Family Access Portal to read and acknowledge. The District will contact all families when the Code of Conduct is posted.