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Our Strategic Plan

The Kennett Consolidated School District’s (KCSD) 2022-2025 Strategic Plan was developed in collaboration with the award-winning Delaware Academy for School Leadership (DASL) and members of the community, including board members, administrators, staff, students and families before being approved by the School Board. 

Strategic planning is a future-focused effort that produces fundamental decisions about who an organization serves, what it does and why it does it. Organizations then further define their direction through measurable goals and objectives. 

Wildly Important Goals

  • Execute high-impact instructional systems that yield success for ALL students.
  • Execute high-impact operational systems that support success for ALL students.


KCSD is an inclusive community that nurtures, prepares and empowers ALL, showing everyone they matter in their journey to succeed in the world.


To inspire innovative thinkers by fostering inclusive, supportive relationships, and developing resiliency through rigorous, relevant, educational experiences.

Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Resilience
  • Student-Centered
  • Accountability
  • Collaboration